Episode 31: Kathie Lucas, Director of First (and Lasting) Impressions

Kathie Lucas went from fast food to “Fast Times at WOXY.” She worked at 97X for a decade, yet was never live on the air. Instead she handled a number of crucial behind-the-scenes roles from 1994-2004… “Director of First Impressions,” Traffic Director (i.e. scheduling the commercials), Promotions Director… she even raised her daughter Sophie at the station! We chat with Kathie about her many roles (including a starring role in a commercial), her Harlequin romance moment, the infamous “butt coolers” at Lollapalooza, and her amazing warehouse stash of 97X promo items.

Kathie and Bryan J. outside the station, with the giant wood-carved Elvis looming in the background
Kathie savoring her Dave Matthews moment.
97X staffers
Julie Maxwell, Susan Schreiber and Kathie Lucas

Here’s just a sampling of the type of promo items that 97X gave away back in the day:

Ah, the days of floppy discs…
“Gonna be another hot one… better get your ass to the butt cooler!”
Kathie with her husband (and Dave’s man-crush) Mike
Kathie with her daughter Sophie, who spent her baby/toddler years at the station.
Both Dave and the Farrah poster are scheduled to appear at the 97X reunion at Bake’s house this summer

3 Replies to “Episode 31: Kathie Lucas, Director of First (and Lasting) Impressions”

  1. Any warehouse stash laying around for sale Kathie?

  2. Any warehouse items available to purchase Kathie?

  3. Any warehouse items available for purchase Kathie?


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