Episode 97.7 – yet another end of an era

Nearly five years ago, Dave and Damian started a podcast about 97X. They had no idea what they were doing.

They still don’t know what they’re doing, but they DO know that as they stumbled through nearly a hundred episodes, they had a blast reconnecting with station staffers, listeners, advertisers, record reps, and even some bands that made the station so special.

But now they’ve caught up with nearly everyone affiliated with the station (in both the 97X and woxy.com era).

They had the distinct privilege of co-hosting the Mercantile Library’s event with 97X book author Robin James.

They helped usher the 2023 97X Modern Rock 500 from crazy idea to amazing reality, thanks to more than 30 former DJs, Dave’s son Jack (producer extraordinaire) and our friends at Inhailer Radio.

Dave and Damian sucked at promoting the podcast, but somehow, some way, through the magic that was and IS 97X, listeners found it:

“I am not sure you guys realize just what impact having this modern rock format has had on my life… your podcast has brought about all of these thoughts, feelings, and memories of the soundtrack of 21 years on my life. I thank you for playing your part in it back then and I thank you for creating this podcast to help me process just what those 21 years have meant to me.”

“Anyway, I know you’ve heard it before, but you did a hell of a job preserving the mental health of lots of weird sullen people in our corner of the Rust Belt. I cried real drunken tears from Baltimore when the terrestrial signal died and I’ll never be able to tell you how important you all were in helping me get to adulthood.”

“Thanks for the pod. It is like finally being able to talk with someone about the treasure that was WOXY.” 

“There are so many bands and songs that make me think so fondly of 97X.  97X will forever have a place in my heart.”

“That was about the only good thing about where I lived: 97X came in crystal clear and was like an oasis among the fields of corn. The music you played opened my mind and heart to soundscapes so different than anything I’d ever known. You took me to places I was sure I’d never get to go. How lucky was I!… Really I just wanted to let you know how much 97X meant to me in my teen years. You truly saved me. I can’t fully express how much you did. But I am Here in large part because of this station. You gave me hope and an outlet. I heard you, and my spirit felt heard in return.

Thank you, friend, for listening. So long for now…

6 Replies to “Episode 97.7 – yet another end of an era”

  1. Lisa

    What a trip down memory lane – thanks for the podcast – it was a fun walk back in time!

  2. Listener NumberThirteen

    Thank you so much for bringing back the memories, stories, and the voices I thought I’d never hear again! Such an unexpected gift!

    1. Damian

      What a lovely comment! Thanks so much for listening, you and the other dozen listeners made it all worthwhile!

  3. Tonya

    Ugh! Why am I only finding out about this now? My timing is ALWAYS impeccable!

    1. Damian

      Hi Tonya, all the episodes are available here as well as on most major podcasting platforms… we hope you’ll listen and enjoy!


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