Episode 40: Michael Winstead, Modern Rock Stead(y)

97X, podcast

Mike “Stead” Winstead grew up in Oxford, Ohio and dreamed of working at 97X. When he got out of the Army in 1994, he “bugged” (his word) the station until he finally landed a job as Director of First Impressions (“Mike the Modern Rock Receptionist”). He also did weekend and fill-in shifts, and helped out at nearly every on-location promotional event that 97X did during his time there. We chat with Stead about singing the Miami U. alma mater (without knowing the words), pizza payola, his first time on the air, and the sweaty mass of humanity at Lollapalooza.

Stead with Bob Pollard (in the time it took you to read this caption, Bob wrote 3 songs)
With Gwen Stefani, back when a relatively unknown No Doubt opened for 311.
Stead’s favorite band
Mike (standing) “doin’ the claw” in tribute to the King at a Rock & Bowl
Stead or Giovanni Ribisi? You decide.